Sunday, December 2, 2007

A Little Basic Cleaning

I admit, this is my attempt at brown-nosing Mary Frances.

I hope it inspires everyone who reads this to try it too - what better way to clean house than with a little scrapbook motivation? And besides that, this vacuum's main job is sweeping up all the bits of scrapbook scraps that fall on the floor. Between 3 young girls and me, it can get pretty bad. So it ties in nicely. :-)

The story of this vacuum is that it is about 25 years old. I think dh inherited it from his mom when he got his first place or something. And it was really ugly. Scratched and faded. But it works good and they still sell bags for it! So I tried to give it some new life. Now, the bag didn't paint too well. I'm working on how to improve that. But still. Who doesn't like a little Basic Grey colors to cheer up their vacuuming time!


  1. LOL, MF is going to LOVE this! What a creative project. :D

  2. OMGOSH...LMBO!!! THAT is THE BEST Beth!!!!

  3. OK, so I am just sitting here loving this. Man my Meile just sucks compared to your beauty. See vacuuming is just the best therapy in the world and with this to look at while you suck up all the crap and crud...wtg girl!

  4. you have got to submit this to the bg gallery!!!!

  5. I'm late on discovering your ever-so-cool altered vacuum! LOL It's fab sista! I have your other blog on my blog but I guess I need to link to this one instead.
