Aren't these trees the cutest things?!
And totally easy to make.
Steps to make these - 1. Cut 4 half circles in progressively smaller sizes. I think the bottom layer might be about 5 inches in diameter.
2. Glue the edges. Don't tape - they'll just pull apart eventually.
3. Stickle. I used deco edges scissors on 1 tree and like that, but stickles does the trick all by itself.
4. Layer. I added a little cotton inside the tips of the layers to get a little height and keep the trees from completely collapsing on top of each other.
And when I had so much fun doing the trees, I thought a card would be totally cute too!
I just folded the edges in and glued to the card instead of together.
I'm not sure it would mail well, but surely I can hand deliver this to someone.
Finally, we have the group of fun things i've got sitting on my computer desk waiting to be given.
School parties are on Friday, and my primary task is to keep the candy in the jar. ha.